Seit Anfang 2019 arbeiten wir mit der Stiftung Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke (engl.: Bridge of Hope) an einer Digital Library Lösung für ihre Projekte in Tanzania, wo der Mangel an Bildungsmaterialien und Internet ähnlich gravierend ist wie in Malawi. Die erste Phase des dortigen Projekts ist nun in vollem Gange.
Auf ihrer Webseite berichtet die Stiftung in ihrem neuen Blogeintrag: „An e-learning pilot project has just been started at LEA Ministry in Dongobesh. This project leverages the digital library solution developed by Next Generation Africa e.V.. This solution acknowledges the limitation that schools in South East Africa generally face: lack of learning and teaching materials, lack of Internet connectivity, lack of teachers. Originally developed for schools in Malawi, it has proven to be flexible enough to be adopted by schools in other countries. LEA Ministry is the first in Tanzania. Phase 1 of the project focuses on the teachers to get them setup with their own mobile devices to connect to the digital library and help them to familiarize with the solution. The local administrators, Boniface Gadye and Ngido Subrah have adapted very fast and are helping the other teachers to explore the new opportunities that this Digital Library solution is providing to them.“
Wir freuen uns, Teil dieses Projektes zu sein und wünschen weiterhin viel Erfolg!