As a signatory to the Transparent Civil Society initiative, which was launched by Transparency International Deutschland e.V. and others, we have committed ourselves to disclosing, in accordance with a specific format, what goals we pursue, where our funds come from, how they are used and who makes decisions about them. This information is listed in the following ten items:
1. Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
The association Next Generation Africa e. V., located at Gutenbergstraße 56, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany, was founded in 2016 and registered in 2017. Gutenbergstraße 56, 64289 Darmstadt.
2. Complete statutes as well as information about the goals of our organization
3. Information about tax privileges
Due to the promotion of education, popular education and vocational training, we are exempt from corporate income tax pursuant to Section 5 (1) No. 9 of the German Corporate Income Tax Act and from trade tax pursuant to Section 3 No. 6 of the German Trade Tax Act, according to the exemption notice issued by the Tax Office Darmstadt, St.-Nr. 07 250 76006, on May 12, 2022, for the last assessment period 2021.
Here you can download the most recent tax exemption notice (dated May 12, 2022).
4. Name and function of key decision-makers
Frederik Bachmann, co-director
Niels Kunz, co-director
5. Activity report
Our activity reports for the years 2017 to 2021 can be found here (only available in German):
Activity report 2017, Activity report 2018, Activity report 2019, Activity report 2020, Activity report 2021. The 2022 activity report is in the works and will be uploaded here very soon. Until then, please refer to our 2021 activity report.
6. Personnel structure
The number of our members is currently as follows (as of 01.06.2021):
10 volunteer members (including Frederik Bachmann, Niels Kunz, Fynn Sudermann). The estimated number of hours worked per week is around 15 hours.
7./8. Information on the source and use of funds
Our work is largely financed by donations. We are very grateful to all our supporters! Details about all income for the year as well as their use can be found as part of the annually prepared statement of income and expenditure. The following income and expense statements have been prepared in accordance with the German statutory profit determination procedure (Einnahmenüberschussrechnung, or EÜR for short) and are therefore only available in German:
EÜR 2018, EÜR 2019, EÜR 2020, EÜR 2021, EÜR 2022
You can find more details about the use of funds in our activity reports (see point 5) and blog entries.
9. Corporate legal affiliation with third parties
No corporate legal affiliation with third parties exists.
10. Name of legal entities whose annual payments account for more than 10% of the total budget
No grants from individuals or legal entities in 2020 and 2021 accounted for more than 10% of the total revenue.